Corporate information

Österreichische Post AG – Corporate Information

Austrian Post is an international postal, logistics and service provider which is central to Austria’s economy. The company is firmly focused on the very highest quality and offers a comprehensive product and service portfolio to provide the best possible match for current customer needs. Austrian Post groups its operations into three divisions: Mail, Parcel & Logistics and Retail & Bank. The company also has an international presence, operating in the markets of Germany, Southeast and Eastern Europe, Türkiye and Azerbaijan.

Business purpose:

  1. To provide services and create the necessary conditions in the following areas:
    a) all postal, parcel and logistics services,
    b) financial services, especially those in line with the Postal Savings Bank Act (Federal Law Gazette 458/1969) as amended,
    c) communications and information technology in automated data processing and in-formation engineering;
    d) other commercial services, provided that the responsibilities listed under a) to c) are not impeded thereby, especially the trading and sales of any kind of goods.
  2. Purchasing holdings in companies and businesses as well as managing such holdings, including purchasing and selling holdings in Austria and abroad

This includes planning, creating, maintaining and operating infrastructure facilities for the above-mentioned purposes. The company may engage in all transactions and actions that it deems necessary or useful for the business purpose, especially including areas of activity that are similar or useful to the business purpose. In addition, the company may purchase or sell property for building subsidiaries in Austria and abroad.

Legal form: Public limited company under Austrian law
Company register: 180219d
Commercial register court: Commercial court Vienna
Chamber membership: Economic Chamber
VAT ID: ATU46674503
Year of incorporation: 1999
Owners: 52.8% ÖBAG, 47.2% free float
Regulatory authority: RTR Rundfunk & Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH
Revenue 2023: 2,740.8m EUR
Employees 2023: 27.254 full-time employees

Management board:
Walter Oblin, Chairman of the Management Board (CEO)
Peter UmundumDeputy CEO, Parcels & Logistics (COO)
Barbara Potisk-Eibensteiner, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Supervisory Board:

Shareholder representatives
Elisabeth Stadler, Chair
Stefan Fürnsinn, Deputy Chair
Huberta Gheneff
Felicia Kölliker
Peter E. Kruse
Bernhard Spalt, Financial Expert
Christiane Wenckheim
Maria Zesch

Employee representatives
Ulrike Ernstbrunner
Richard Köhler
Andreas Rindler
Andreas Schieder