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Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft Registered Seat Rochusplatz 1 1030 Vienna Austria
Local phone number: 0577 67 - 0 International phone number: +43 577 67 - 0 E-mail: impressum@post.at Website: www.post.at
Legal form: Public limited company under Austrian law Commerical register number: 180219d Commercial Court of Vienna VAT ID: ATU46674503 Chamber membership: Economic Chamber Year of incorporation: 1999 Owners: 52.8% Österreichische Beteiligungs AG, 47.2% free float Regulatory authorities: Telekom-Control-Kommission, Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH Applicable regulations: Postal Market Act – see Federal Law Gazette I 2009/123
Management board: Walter Oblin, Chairman of the Management Board (CEO) Peter Umundum, Deputy CEO, Parcels & Logistics (COO) Barbara Potisk-Eibensteiner, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Supervisory Board:
Shareholder representatives Elisabeth Stadler, Chair Stefan Fürnsinn, Deputy Chair Huberta Gheneff Felicia Kölliker Peter E. Kruse Bernhard Spalt, Financial Expert Christiane Wenckheim Maria Zesch
Employee representatives Ulrike Ernstbrunner Richard Köhler Andreas Rindler Andreas Schieder
Business purpose:
This includes planning, creating, maintaining and operating infrastructure facilities for the above-mentioned purposes. The company may engage in all transactions and actions that it deems necessary or useful for the business purpose, especially including areas of activity that are similar or useful to the business purpose. In addition, the company may purchase or sell property for building subsidiaries in Austria and abroad. Newsletters: Newsletters are a free service provided by Österreichiche Post for registered users and have been created to share information about products and services offered by Österreichische Post. If you no longer want to receive our newsletter, please click on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter.