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Online Services
Online services by Austrian Post are an easy and safe option for requesting postal services online. These services are available for private clients and some of them for business clients as well.
Please note our order information.
With AllesPost all your parcels are delivered by Austrian Post, independently of the carrier used for shipping.
Does the online shop not deliver to Austria? No problem! Simply get a free AllesPost Germany address and have the items sent via Germany.
If you would like for another person to receive items on your behalf, just give us an authorisation to receive mail.
Use this safe and discreet service to pick up your items at your preferred postal branch.
Use our e-letter service to receive invoices, contracts, and other important documents in digital format.
Create your customized parcel stamps for your items online – it’s easy and quick.
This is a perfect choice when you need things to be easy and convenient. Austrian Post will pick up your items as needed.
Use our rate calculator to determine the rates for your letter mail and parcels in a few easy steps.
Find an Austrian Post service location near you and learn about the services available there.
While you enjoy your vacations, we will safely hold your mail and deliver it at your request upon your return.
Set up a notice of absence to let senders of official letters (RSa and RSb letters) know you’ll be gone.
This is a perfect choice if you are moving or if you would like to have your mail redirected to another address or to your holiday home.
If the content of your item is damaged, file an damage report from the comfort of your home.
If your item did not reach its destination, you can request an item inquiry.