Voting by post at the 2024 National Council elections

On 29th September, the National Council elections will take place, during which 183 representatives will be elected. The legislative period lasts five years.

Eligible voters who cannot vote at their designated polling station on election day have the option to use a voting card to vote:

  • at any polling station in Austria that accepts voting cards,
  • by postal vote within Austria or abroad, or
  • by additional application, before a mobile electoral commission.

Apply for a voting card

Below, you can apply for your voting card in an easy process.

Election information at a glance

You can now apply for a voting card for the 2024 National Council elections at your main residence municipality. Please note the deadlines for applying for a voting card: 

  • Written application (also by e-mail, online or fax) by 25 September 2024 
  • Personal application (not by phone!) by 27 September 2024, 12:00 noon

Your application must also state the reason for requesting the voting card (e.g., absence from the area, stay abroad, health reasons).

Since postal delivery and return of voting cards must be considered, it is advisable to apply in good time. The postage costs for standard shipping will be covered for you – regardless of whether you are voting from within the country or abroad.

  1. The voting card will be sent to you starting in early September 2024, depending on your preference, or it can be picked up in person at the municipality.

  2. For voting by post, you can cast your vote immediately after receiving the voting card and do not have to wait until election day.

  3. Fill out the official ballot personally, without being observed or influenced. Place it in the small election envelope and then put the envelope in the voting card.

  4. Then, provide the affidavit by signing in the designated field and seal the voting card.

  5. Voting cards used for voting by post must arrive by election day (September 29, 2024) at 5:00 p.m. at the latest, either by mail or by being handed in at the responsible district election authority (the address is printed on the voting card). On election day, voting cards can also be handed in at any district election authority by 5:00 p.m. or at any polling station in the country during their opening hours.

All Austrians who will be 16 years old on election day (September 29, 2024) at the latest and are not excluded from the right to vote are eligible to vote.

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