Aktionsfinder discount finder - advertising with digital reach

Use Aktionsfinder to get digital reach for your leaflets. Aktionsfinder is a digital brochure platform for your offers and discounts. With 430,000 householders reached and 20 million brochure pages read, it ranks among Austria’s largest Internet platforms for discounts and offers.

Your benefits with Aktionsfinder discount finder:

  • Exclusive usership*: 70% of users use Aktionsfinder exclusively and no other brochure platforms.
  • Aktionsfinder increases the willingness to buy*: 84% of users get information about discounts and offers and subsequently buy them in the store.
  • Additional traffic: Aktionsfinder links all your offers with your website, increasing traffic in your online store
  • Guaranteed publishing: we guarantee that Aktionsfinder will record, process, and publish your offers.
  • Preferred positioning on the platform
  • Modular additional services: push notifications, digilets, prize draws, display ads, retargeting, brochure viewer and e-mail newsletter.
  • Comprehensive reporting at the end of the campaign
  • Personal assistance and advice

*Aktionsfinder user survey 10/2024, n = 2.689

Media data KPI
Visits per month 2 million
Read brochure pages 20 million
Active users 430,000
Visits per month per user 5
Session time per visit  02:38 minutes
 Average interaction time per month and acitve user  12:07 minutes
Ad impressions 4.8 million
App downloads 1.5 million
 App rating 4,7
Social media followers 81,000

Source: Aktionsfinder 2024

Aktionsfinder app screens

Contact us

For additional information about publishing your brochure, please contact our sales representative or e-mail us at post.digital@post.at

A document on the technical specifications is available on request at: content@aktionsfinder.at


Aktionsfinder product sheet (available in German only)


In this section, you will find an overview of all available key figures (available in German only)
