EN - English
Customs Information, International Letter Mail
Customs regulations for exporting letters with merchandise All letters with merchandise that weigh up to 2 kg mailed to countries outside the EU (third countries) are subject to a customs declaration as defined by applicable customs regulations. For specific countries, please research all applicable export and import regulations as well as customs regulations. Item and customs data must be entered electronically for letter mail and parcels with merchandise sent to countries outside the EU (third countries). If you do not have the option of entering these data electronically, Austrian Post can do this for you. We are charging a fee of 3.79 euros for this service. A CN 23 customs form will be created. Please affix it to your item. In addition, general prohibitive provisions as defined in our GTC International Letter Mail apply.
Customs clearance for imports
For comprehensive information about imports, please see our page “Customs clearance for imports”.