EN - English
Donation letters count among the most popular options for Austrians to support charitable organisations in their fantastic work. Whether you prefer a traditional classic letter format or a creative direct mailing campaign: Sponsoring.Mail gives you plenty of options for starting a conversation with your target audience.
The following clients benefit from reduced postage for Austrian Post’s product Sponsoring.Mail:
Non-profit organisations without tax-deductible status
Political candidates
Political parties
Fundraising for non-profit, charitable or church-related purposes
Information about ongoing donation projects
Information about the association’s activities, political activities, or political campaigning (min. 51 %)
Choose between the following two formats:
Format: Rectangular or square
Minimum volume: 1,000 items (additional payment to reach minimum volume available) Delivery time: 6 business days after posting (Monday through Friday) Franking impression:
Österreichische Post AG Product code SM Contract number Product letter: N or S Sender address
Example N: Österreichische Post AG SM 04Z034567 N Any Company, Anystreet 10, 1010 Vienna
Example S: Österreichische Post AG SM 04Z034567 S Any Company, Anystreet 10, 1010 Vienna
Return information: No returns:
Retouren an Postfach 555, 1008 Wien or Nicht retournieren
Return to sender: 0.02 euro net/item
VAT: Exempt from VAT as part of universal services if posted at a postal branch
No VAT if posted at a distribution centre
Shipping documents: Posting list and bundle label as specified in the Austrian Post Shipping Tool.
All relevant information is available under "GTC - Sponsoring.Post" and "Special conditions, machine processability".
Product information, Sponsoring.Mail N for non-profit organisations with tax-deductible status (available in German only)
pdf, 1 mb (valid from 01.02.2025)
Product information, Sponsoring.Mail S for non-profit organisations, associations, political candidates and political parties (available in German only)
pdf, 1001 kb (valid from 01.02.2025)
Sponsoring.Mail bundle label (available in German only)
pdf, 28 kb (valid from 01.01.2023)
xlsx, 35 kb (valid from 01.01.2023)
Posting list, Sponsoring.Mail Classic (available in German only)
pdf, 492 kb (valid from 01.01.2023)
xlsx, 114 kb (valid from 01.01.2023)
Posting list, Sponsoring.Mail Plus (available in German only)
pdf, 527 kb (valid from 01.01.2023)
xlsx, 124 kb (valid from 01.01.2023)
Service locations for posting large volumes (available in German only)
pdf, 66 kb
Correct addressing (available in German only)
pdf, 5 mb
If you have any questions about our products or if you would like to request a non-binding quote, don't hesitate to contact us.