Austrian Post partners

Partners of Austrian Post AG benefit from numerous advantages: You operate the post office for your city or municipality in your shop and can also offer the full range of postal services and bank99 services in addition to your own product range. This not only brings you potential new customers through increased customer frequency, but also additional performance-related remuneration. 

Together with the Austrian Association of Municipalities and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, we want to expand the postal partner business model throughout the country. Over 1,300 postal partners are already writing this success story with us. Become a Post Partner and secure added value for your company now.

Advantages and requirements

  • You will have additional earning potential thanks to remuneration commensurate with performance
  • You will gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.
  • You will win new clients thanks to increased customer frequency.
  • You will have a broader range of services to the delight of your clients.
  • There will be increased customer loyalty from new and existing clients.
  • You will benefit from Austrian Post's strong advertising presence and good image ("strong brand").

  • Sufficient available retail space (5-6 m² sufficient storage)
  • Business license (Section 34 of the Austrian Commercial Code)
  • Highly competent presentation and service-oriented staff
  • Good accessibility and parking
  • Customer-friendly opening hours
  • Employees with IT expertise and a willingness to receive training
  • Wheelchair accessibility

Your tasks as a Post Partner

  • Acceptance of letters and parcels (incl. additional services), direct mail items, EMS items 
  • Delivery of letters and parcels (incl. cash on delivery)
  • Delivery of official mail (RSa and RSb) 
  • Forwarding orders, vacation mailboxes, postal authorizations
  • Equivalent offer as in the postal branches

  • Deposits
  • Payouts
  • Transfers
  • Payouts from PSK-Orders
  • No consulting activities

  • Postage stamps 
  • e-voucher 
  • Service cheque 
  • Optional goods
Clients at Austrian Post Partner branch

Post Partner information for customers

Even more service options, even shorter trips, even longer opening hours. Together, Austrian Post and Austrian Post Partners offer even more benefits to customers and ensure service provision throughout Austria. Around 1,300 postal partners already contribute to the nationwide supply of postal services in Austria.

Benefits for everybody

  • Our clients benefit from services near them and the opening hours of our local Austrian Post Partners, which stay open longer than small postal offices and often-times are also open Saturdays.
  • Regional medium-sized businesses also benefit from local investments and higher customer frequency.
  • This helps strengthen existing economic structures in rural areas instead of weakening them.
  • Austrian Post provides more efficient universal postal services, going beyond the statutory obligation to provide such services.

Federal economic chamber

The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber has been strongly supporting and promoting the Austrian Post Partnership initiative since the very beginning. With this initiative, Austrian businesses, mostly retailers, throughout the country make a major contribution to the provision of services and products on a local level. For the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, the fact that its members have the option of providing postal services is a win-win situation: it ensures the provision of postal services for the local population, Austrian Post Partners benefit from additional clients and earnings and Austrian Post gets a competitive edge. The existing roughly 1,300 partnership go to show that providing postal services is an achievable goal.

For retailers, partnerships with Austrian Post can translate into many benefits: they can build an additional income source in difficult times without neglecting their core business and ultimately generate additional revenue. Offering postal services can also be a competitive advantage over competitors and increase customer frequency.

The nine regional Economic Chambers are in charge of direct member contact and re-gional affairs, while the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber is responsible for general questions about Austrian Post Partnerships and the framework agreement.

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Federal Division, Retail
Contact person: Mag. (FH) Wolfgang Hoffer, Geschäftsführer-Stellvertreter 
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, A-1045 Vienna
Telephone: 05 90 900 - 3002

Client infront of Austrian Post Partner branch

Testimonials, Austrian Post partners

Michaela Groiß, Nah&Frisch, filling station and tobacconist,
Austrian Post Partner in 2803 Schwarzenbach and President of the Austrian Post Partner advisory board

"The Austrian Post advisory board is yet another interface between individual Austrian Post Partners and the representatives of Austrian Post AG. Whenever needed, the members of this advisory board get in touch with potential partners and inform them about the benefits of such a partnership. If existing partners experience problems or if they have questions, they can always turn to the members of our advisory board. Any problems will be discussed during individual meetings with AustrianPost representatives and solu-tions will be sought.

Diethard Muhm, owner of UNIMARKT-Partner (UNIMARKT Pfeiffer Traun Upper Austria), Austrian Post Partner in 3124 Oberwölbing

"I have been active as an Austrian Post Partner since October 2009 and I especially appreciate the IT equipment provided by Austrian Post. This makes our work swift and straightforward, which is very important for me and my 13 employees. As an entrepreneur, by offering postal services in addition to my other products and services, I can make more money. Our customers are also very satisfied because they shop at my store and they can take care of their postal needs at the same time."

Arnold Weixelbaumer, member of the regional government, Mayor and Austrian Post Partner in the municipality 4180 Zwettl an der Rodl

“Neighbourhood stores, including postal services, make life better for everybody. Together, they are the pillar of a good quality of living, which is a great asset for municipalities and customers alike. Customers are thankful for high-quality postal services provided at the local level while also being very satisfied with having lively neighbourhood stores near them."

Fritz Hubmann, owner of Kaufhaus Hubmann, Austrian Post Partner in 8510 Stainz

"Our philosophy is: we prefer the regional over the global, the personal over the impersonal and we are service-oriented and act in a spirit of partnership. Becoming an Austrian Post Partner is a great fit for us and has many advantages: our customers benefit from postal services and attractive opening hours, the municipality benefits from having additional neighbourhood services and as a business with approximately 80 employees, we benefit by being more attractive for our customers and having additional customer frequency and ultimately, increased earning potential. I am truly satisfied with the Austrian Post partnership."