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Austrian Post and awards #gettingthingsdone
Imagine you are looking for a new job. You search the internet and come across various employers. But what factors influence your decision? Aside from personal reasons and benefits, the company’s image plays a crucial role. Austrian Post is often described as a traditional and perhaps long-established company. But is that really the case? Austrian Post is so much more than that. Diversity and innovation drive us forward!
Who says letters and parcels can’t be green? At Austrian Post, we are not only pioneers but also frontrunners in the fight against climate change. The ALC Award in the category of "Sustainability" confirms that we don’t just talk, we act. Green logistics is not just a trend; it’s our mission. We have been CO2 neutral since 2011 and aim to be CO2 free by 2030! We will make this happen thanks to electric vehicles, alternative energy sources, and climate protection projects.
Have you ever wondered what it means to be part of the top 1% of employers in Austria? Austrian Post has the answer: it means we create jobs that matter. We are not just a company; we are a community of professionals who support each other and excel together. The analysis considers a variety of sources, such as audits, review portals, and memberships. It examines different areas: HR expertise in recruiting, onboarding, and workplace design, health, CSR, values, and satisfaction.
With the ‘TOP Training Organisation 2024/25’ award from the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF) and the Kronen Zeitung newspaper, as well as the Vienna ‘TOP Training Organisation’ seal of quality for 2023-2026, we show that Austrian Post not only sends parcels, but also launches careers.
In a world that is often hectic, it is even more important that work and family go hand in hand. The "berufundfamilie" certificate shows that we not only create jobs but also improve quality of life. At Austrian Post, we know that strong families mean strong teams. For example, during the semester holidays, we offer childcare at our facilities to ensure your workday is worry-free.
The Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF) and KURIER have once again honoured Austrian Post with the ‘Popular Employer 2025’ seal of approval. This makes us one of the few companies in Austria to have received this honour six years in a row.
When we are recognised as ‘Austria's best’ several years in a row, it's not just an award - it's a statement. Innovative, sustainable and unbeatable as an employer. Not only is history being written here, the future is being shaped here.
The award we received as an employer for the integration of people with disabilities is a sign of our commitment to the ‘Step by Step’ project. The project is about creating an inclusive and supportive working environment for people with disabilities.