First day of the commemorative stamp "950-year anniversary of Admont Abbey"

Religious and cultural centre

The Benedictine Abbey of Admont is located in Styria at the entrance to the Gesäuse National Park. Austrian Post honours its 950-year anniversary with a commemorative stamp.

Admont Abbey is the oldest existing monastery in Styria. Saint Hemma of Gurk donated the lands on which Archbishop Gebhard of Salzburg had the abbey built. The consecration took place on 29 September 1074. In 1120, a nunnery was attached to the abbey, but it was dissolved during the Reformation. In the 17th century, the abbey grammar school was founded and the monastery complex was redesigned in the Baroque style. In 1776, a magnificent abbey library was completed, housing the world’s largest monastic book hall. The current abbey church, dedicated to Saint Blaise, was built in the Neo-Gothic style after a monastery fire in 1865. "Ora et labora et lege" (pray and work and read) is the rule of Saint Benedict of Nursia, the founder of the Benedictine Order. In addition to holding Mass and praying, the Benedictine monks in Admont oversee 26 affiliated parishes and work as pastoral care providers or teachers at the abbey grammar school. They also manage the abbey library, which, with 200,000 valuable works, including around 1,400 manuscripts and 1,000 early prints, forms the basis for the collection and dissemination of knowledge. The monastery also houses the Art and Natural History Museum, the Gothic Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art.

27 June 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Presentation at 12:00 noon

Where? Admont Abbey, Kirchenplatz 1, 8911 Admont

Group pictures: Bild 1
Picture of presentation: © Ö. Post AG
Group picture, left to right: 
Maximilian Aichern, former Bishop of Linz, Wilhelm Remes, President of the Philately Association St. Gabriel, Patricia Liebermann, Head of Philately, Austrian Post, Leopold Städtler, Prelate, Josef Marketz, bishop of Gurk-Klagenfurt and Gerhard Hafner, Abbot of the Admont Benedictine Abbey.

First day of Admont Abbey
First day of Admont Abbey
First day of Admont Abbey