Letters from the authorities (RSa/RSb) for business clients

Only public authorities may send official letters with advice of receipt (RSa/RsB). These letters have to meet the specifications of the Austrian Delivery Act and the Delivery Form Regulation. For the layout and production of official letters (machine-processable letter with advice of receipt, hybrid letter with advice of receipt), production standards as defined by Austrian Post (see download area below) apply.

Official letters may be sent as inexpensive ECO letters or as PRIO letters.

The following options exist:

  • Personally delivered letters with advice of receipt (RSa letters, blue letters)
    These items may only be delivered to the addressee personally or to a person who is authorised to receive mail on their behalf. If not even authorised persons should be able to accept the item, the information "Do not deliver to persons authorised to receive mail" can be added.
  • Letters with advice of receipt (RSb Brief, white letters)
    These items may also be delivered to an alternate recipient (person living in the same household, employee or employer of the recipient).

What is the hybrid letter with advice of receipt and how does the shipping process work?

For the hybrid letter with advice of receipt, you will send us electronic preliminary data. As the delivery process moves along, you will receive electronic proof of delivery as well as ongoing status information.

RSa envelope
Standard envelope for hybrid RSa and RSb letters with advice of receipt

Benefits of hybrid letters with advice of receipt:

  • Lower production costs
  • Inexpensive postage thanks to machine-processable envelope
  • Automated processing in your systems available
  • Cost savings
  • Standard envelope for RSa and RSb items as well as ECO and PRIO shipping options
  • Electronically traceable delivery process
  • Digital certificate of posting*: the sender will receive electronic notification with the information that the item was processed at our distribution centre and when.
  • Delivery process using handheld devices: all process steps for the delivery person and the recipient's signature are performed directly on the handheld device, which makes the delivery process easier and more secure. The delivery status including the delivery confirmation and all required additional information (such as the recipient's signature) will be sent electronically.

*Unfortunately, this is only available for items that can be processed on our distribution machines.

Are you interested in this service? Information for new clients

Direct connection
The postal interface will be programmed by you or your IT service provider (for technical specifications, please see the download area). If you have any other questions, please contact your customer advisor or call our hotline at 0800 212 212.
Austrian Post shipping module
Straightforward web service interface for connecting to existing ELAK systems. For detailed information, please contact your customer advisor or call our hotline at 0800 212 212.
Hybrid letter with advice of receipt shipping portal:
No programming required, can be used immediately; just register at hybridversand.post.at for easy access

What is the machine processable letter with advice of receipt and how does the posting process work?

For the machine processable letter with advice of receipt, we have integrated the advice of receipt into the envelope or affixed it to the envelope with a special adhesive label. All sender and recipient information is printed directly on the advice of receipt, the envelope or the adhesive label.

Envelopes and advices of receipt have been optimised for machine processability.

Envelope cards

Please note the production specifications for envelopes and information regarding item design.

Procedure for machine processable items with advice of receipt

  • No separate agreement is required.
  • Please follow our production specifications for producing and designing your items. You can have your material printed by any renowned service provider.
  • Items can be posted along with a posting list as usual.

Overview, letters with advice of receipt for public authorities

HYBRID letter with advice of receipt (RSa / RSb hybrid)

Additional fee:
(in addition to postage)

RSb: EUR 2.50
RSa: EUR 4.60

Discounts on postage are available. For detailed information, please click here
Machine-processable letter with advice of receipt

Additional fee:
(in addition to postage)

RSb: EUR 3.10
RSa: EUR 5.30

Discounts on postage are available. For detailed information, please click here.

Non machine-processable letter with advice of receipt

Additional fee:   
(in addition to postage)

RSb: EUR 3.70
RSa: EUR 6.00 


Go to GTC

All relevant information is available under "Product and rate overview - letters from the authorities with advice of receipt".


Product brochure, letters with advice of receipt (available in German only)


Terms of use, hybrid advice of receipt (available in German only)


Terms of use, hybrid advice of receipt (available in German only)


Terms of use, hybrid facilities (available in German only)


Terms of use, hybrid facilities (available in German only)


Production specifications, card envelopes (available in German only)


Production specifications, adhesive labels (available in German only)


Status (master) xsd file (available in German only)


Posting list, PRIO preparatory services, machine processable letters from the authorities (available in German only)


Posting list, PRIO preparatory services, hybrid letters from the authorities (available in German only)


Posting list, PRIO letters from the authorities, advice of receipt, machine processable (available in German only)


Posting list, PRIO letters from the authorities, advice of receipt, non machine processable (available in German only)


Posting list, PRIO hybrid letters from the authorities, advice of receipt (available in German only)


Posting list, ECO preparatory services, machine processable letters from the authorities (available in German only)


Posting list, ECO preparatory services, hybrid letters from the authorities (available in German only)


Posting list, ECO letters from the authorities, advice of receipt, machine processable (available in German only)


Posting list, ECO letters from the authorities, advice of receipt, non machine processable (available in German only)


Posting list, ECO hybrid letters from the authorities, advice of receipt (available in German only)
