EN - English
Franking machines
You can add postage electronically to frank domestic and international items. The process is straightforward and convenient. You can use the franking machine for PRIO and ECO letters and packets.
You can also add personalised indicia with your company logo to increase the advertising effect.
Franking machines are not manufactured or sold by Österreichische Post, but by four authorised manufacturers in Austria. For detailed information about franking machines, please contact the manufacturers directly.
When you purchase a franking machine, the manufacturer will register it with Österreichische Post so that you will be able to use it. To do that, the manufacturer will need the user agreement agreement signed by your company. This contract will be forwarded to Österreichische Post.
In order to pay for postage with a franking machine, you need to add postage credit to your franking machine. For information about technical requirements, please ask the manufacturer.
Please inform the manufacturer of your franking machine about any changes to your company name, your address, or the location of your franking machine. The manufacturer will then forward this information to Österreichische Post.
You can cancel your franking machine's registration at any time by contacting the manufacturer.
If you cancel your franking machine's registration and a credit balance remains, you can request the refund of this credit. To do that, please follow these steps:
Consumables for your device (e.g., colour cartridges) are available from the manufacturer of your franking machine. Österreichische Post does not sell franking machines or consumables.
In the case of technical problems, please contact the manufacturer of your franking machine. Additional information is available in our franking machine information sheet available in the download area below.
To request a customised quote from the franking machine manufacturers, just complete our franking machine checklist and send it to afm@post.at.
Since Österreichische Post does not offer franking machines, we will be happy to forward your inquiry to the manfacturers.
Do you have any questions or do you need assistance? In that case, we recommend getting in touch with one of the manufacturers listed below.
Concorde Business Park 1, B5 2320 Schwechat Tel.: 01 / 361 95 18 - 10 Fax: 01 / 361 95 18 - 80 E-mail: office@francotyp.at www.francotyp.at
p.A. ABG Wirtschaftsprüfungs- & Steuerberatungs GmbH Tegetthoffstraße 7 1010 Wien Tel: 0800 22 55 09 Fax: 0800 22 55 90 E-mail: info@frama.at www.frama.at
Leonard-Bernstein-Strasse 10 1220 Wien Tel: +43 1 2583621-0 E-mail: at@intimus-mpo.com www.intimus-mpo.com/at
Liebermannstraße F15/301, campus 21 2345 Brunn am Gebirge Tel: 0800 100 222 Fax: 0800 100 222 100 E-mail: info.at@quadient.com https://mail.quadient.com/de-at/homepage
All relevant information is available under "Rate overview - franking machines" and "Terms of use for franking machines".
Franking machine checklist (available in German only)
pdf, 590 kb
Franking machine guidelines (available in German only)
pdf, 122 kb
Request for postage reimbursement (available in German only)
pdf, 700 kb
User agreement (available in German only)
pdf, 527 kb