EN - English
Letter mail postage paid in cash
If you are using the same delivery option for a minimum of 20 letter mail items, you can use the postage paid franking impression provided by Österreichische Post instead of stamps. All you have to do is enter the volume and detailed information about your item in a letter mail posting list (see download area) and pay for postage at the Österreichische Post counter.
Below you will find information about the different design options available for postage paid franking impressions.
These postage paid franking impressions can be created on the German-language site only.
This applies to all international letter mail items (priority items must additionally be labelled as such, e.g., by using the blue priority sticker).
In the second-to-last line, please indicate the postal branch where you are posting your items along with its postcode.
If you design your own postage paid franking impression, you must use the exact dimensions and typography for the text block (see specifications in the download area).
Please print this impression below the postage area.
In addition, the following postage paid franking impressions can be used for international items: For priority items:
For economy items:
The following postage paid franking impression is used for domestic letter mail items with PRIO (E+1) delivery time (can also be used for international priority items):
If you design your own postage paid franking impression, you must use the exact dimensions and typography for the text block (see specifications in the download area), the postcode, and the name of the postal branch where you are posting your items.
Please print this franking impression below the postage area. If your postage paid franking impression does not include the word PRIORITY, please add the blue priority sticker. Alternatively, for domestic PRIO items and cashless payment (deferred payment agreement required), you can use a postage paid franking impression in German without indicating the postal branch where you are posting. This franking impression needs to be printed below the postage area (see downloads).
If you would like to include the postage paid franking impression in the address (window, address label or directly on the label above the address), this is also an option. In that case, please use the information below in a single line above the recipient's address:
"P Österreichische Post AG Prio Brief"
Please note that there needs to be an empty line between the franking impression and the recipient's address. The font size for the franking impression needs to be at least 10 pt.
For domestic letter mail items without any additional services, you can also use the ECO delivery option (E+2/3). The franking impresison below will be required (may also be used for international economy items for which no labelling is required).
If you design your own postage paid franking impression, you must use the exact dimensions and typography for the text block (see specifications in the download area), the postcode, and the name of the postal branch where you are posting your items
If you would like to include the postage paid impression in the address (window, address label or directly on the label above the address), this is also an option. In that case, please use the information below in a single line above the recipient's address:
"E Österreichische Post AG Eco Brief"
Domestic letter mail items can also be posted using the ECO BUSINESS (E+4/5) delivery option.
The updated franking impression is available in the download area.
If you would like to include the postage paid impression in the address (window, address label or directly on the label above the address), this is also an option. In that case, please use the infor-mation below in a single line above the recipient's address:
"B Österreichische Post AG Eco Business Brief"
Specifications, postage paid franking impression (available in German only)
pdf, 412 kb
Domestic PRIO, ECO and ECO BUSINESS franking impressions, with postcode (available in German only)
zip, 5 mb
Domestic PRIO, ECO and ECO BUSINESS franking impressions without postcde (available in German only)
zip, 7 mb
Postage paid franking impressions valid from 1 May 2025 (available in German only)
zip, 15 mb
Dispatch Note, International Letter Mail
pdf, 133 kb
Dispatch Note, International Letter Mail Plus
pdf, 113 kb